We were looking for a way to lose baby fat, get our confidence back, and feel sexy again.
Words like muffin top, stretch marks, and cellulite seemed to dominate the world of motherhood, and quickly replaced any discussion of Spring Break plans and New Years Eve festivities. No question, being a mom is a blessing, but it doesn’t mean you stop being a woman.
When you get pregnant, family and girlfriends are replete with advice and suggestions on everything from how long you should nurse to what car seat, diapers, and teethers to buy.
What doesn’t make the infamous and ever so handy list is how to get your pre-baby body back, how to deal with still wearing maternity clothes and looking pregnant when you come home from the hospital, and why taking ME TIME actually makes you a better woman and mother.
After having kids, we quickly realized that there were NO FITNESS OPTIONS FOR US. Nothing appreciated the fact that our time was precious. We didn’t (and still don’t) have an hour or more a day to workout and we aren’t extreme athletes ruing the day we complete another “superset” of pull-ups - whatever that means.
We’re a couple of busy moms trying to make it all work!